Firstly, I realized that this course has helped me overcome my fear of technology. There are a lot of thing I that I have learn in this course and mostly it’s new to me. For example I have learned how to do edit picture by using Paints and I find that it’s very interesting and it new to me. In addition, from taking this class, I have learned that my preferred learning style is visual. I learn best from reading the material and seeing charts and graphics. It clearly showed when I was conducting a SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION experiment by using STELLA simulation and modeling software. By using this software I can understand well Theory in physic. So, by now I know that ICTs is important in teaching science.
Furthermore, more knowledge that I get in this class will help me in the future. For example, in this course Dr azmi teach us how to want to make a good and interesting blog. I know that blogs not only to share information but can also be used to gain profitability, for example, we can add ads in the blog and also can promote our product if we involve in bisness Now I can make my own blog, this was new for me and very able to help me in the future may be in other subjects. In addition, during ICTs class, I also learned how to make E-PORTFOLIO for my subjects. In E-PORTFOLIO I can use it to share my works that related to my science subjects.
ICT includes any communication device or application and encompassing like radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning. ICTs are often spoken of in a particular context, such as ICTs in education, health care, or libraries.
In ICT''s class, I learned about DATA LOGGER, . Although sometime it really test my patience when using this. DATA LOGGER, help can help us to keep our data for experiment and assignment. Using DATA LOGGER, we can automatically record and save the data for every seconds. The data that got during the experiments also more accurate and save the time.
As the conclusion, ICT's importance lies less in the technology than in its ability to create greater access to information and communication. Many countries around the world have established organizations for the promotion of ICTs, because it is feared that unless less technologically advanced areas have a chance to catch up and the increasing technological advances in developed nations. Lasty special thanks to my lecturer Encik Azmi because exposed to me the important of ICT in our life and now I totally agreed with taht statement.